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Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to qualify for a Medical Marijuana Card?The first thing is having a state qualifying condition. Some examples would be Cancer, Glaucoma, and Chronic Pain. If you are in Michigan, check out the MI government website for the full updated list here. If you are in West Virginia, check out the WV government website for a full updated list of qualifying conditions here. The next thing is that a doctor believes you would benefit from the use of medical cannabis. One of the big pros of going through is the fact that our doctors are already educated on the benefits of using cannabis for medical purposes; therefore, they can easily point out the ways that cannabis can help your life.
What does the process look like to renew my current Medical Marijuana card?The process for renewing an expired or soon to be expired card is very easy! Book an appointment with one of our doctors, and they can approve you for your renewal over the phone. Make the necessary payments and file with your state (state filing does not apply to full service patients). You are done! *Note* if your old card has expired, you will receive a new card number.
Why go with the Full-Service over the Basic-Service appointment?Our Full-Service appointment is recommended to all patients because of how easy it makes the process for YOU! By selecting Full-Service, not only are you getting the doctors appointment but you get a Green Cross Partners professional to file with the state on your behalf; additionally, the respective state filing fee is included in the Full-Service Cost (State filing fee varies by state). Essentially, once you have your Full-Service appointment and you make your necessary payments, you are done and can expect you temporary Medical Marijuana card in your email within 1-3 business days. Our Basic-Service appointment can still be a good option for our more tech-savvy patients. After you have your Basic-Service appointment, it is up to you file as a Medical Marijuana patient with your respective state. This includes paying an additional state filing fee and navigating the state’s difficult to use website. For most patients we recommend the full service appointment to avoid the hassle of the extra fee and the state website.
What if I meet with the doctor and I don’t qualify for a Medical Marijuana card?Green Cross Partners refunds all patients who are not approved! See our Refund Policy for further details.
How is my private healthcare information kept safe?Green Cross Partners takes pride in the fact that all of our processes for getting you your med card are HIPAA compliant! This means that you can rest easy that your information is secure and safe with Green Cross Partners. See our Privacy Policy for further details.
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